Welcome to our “Get to Know Advanced RPO” series.  Want to know what makes Advanced RPO special? It’s our people, and you’ll get to meet them, one at a time.


Next up is Michelle Lucero. Michelle has been in the HR field for nearly 17 years and holds the title of Coordinator, meaning she has her hands in just about everything. Michelle is a bubbly, positive person and a friend to all – good luck catching her on an off-day. Michelle prides herself on what she calls her “nerdy” side where she is always digging in to system capabilities and back-end processes or watching Star Wars and Zoolander films. Michelle is a support to many, on and off work, and stays busy.


Let’s hear what Michelle has to say about working at Advanced RPO.


What’s wonderful about working for Advanced RPO & why would someone want to work here?

It’s the experience you gain from working with different clients and industries. My coworkers are great and have always pitched in when we have a last minute job. When conducting orientations, everyone assists with training and is happy to help our new staff.


What do you enjoy about recruiting? What drew you to this field?

Although recruiting can be challenging at times, offering a job to someone is rewarding. Assisting candidates throughout the process with interviews or through the final stages allows you to see the end result of all your hard work.


I’ve worked in the HR field for close to 17 years in insurance benefits, medical credentialing, onboarding, and HR policies, but I’ve enjoyed recruiting the most. At one point, I knew it was time for a change and I started searching for recruiting jobs. I discovered Advanced RPO and was excited at the opportunity to work for an RPO.


What do you think makes an exceptional RPO Coordinator?

It’s being available and understanding that things may change.  You can be working on one project and the next week shift to something else. You may be asked to speak directly with clients and assist many recruiters. Scheduling, offer letters, onboarding or speaking directly to candidates are just some of the tasks that a coordinator has to balance. Organization is key to a successful coordinator.


How do you see the recruitment marketplace changing right now? What do you think is one of the most important trends in recruiting?

It feels like you have to sell the job to job seekers. Recruiters need to have a good understanding of the job and industry. In the past you posted and candidates applied, but now you have to find a way to catch the applicant’s attention. It can be a quick ad, email, company profile, benefit description or Glassdoor rating. The average job seeker looks at a posting for 5-15 seconds. Job ads are being advertised like newspaper ads from the past – short two-liners.


What advice do you have for anyone who is looking for a new job?

You need to have a decent resume and do your research. Research the company, the ratings, the benefits and the commute. Is this a place you can see yourself happy at two years from now? Don’t waste time applying if it is not a good fit. Start networking and research the industry you want to work in.


Why would someone want to work with Advanced RPO?

As someone who has worked in HR and in an office throughout my entire career, this company has given me so much!


I’m allowed to work from home and I believe this makes me work harder. It pushes me to do more, to learn, to help others and enjoy my family. The people I work with enjoy what they do and we learn so much from each other. The executive team knows everyone and cares about our career development – this is why you should want to work for this company!


Life is crazy. What keeps you sane? How do you recharge?

I live in Colorado, we have a big deck and I’m 10 minutes from the mountains with a gorgeous view. I honestly just drink a cup of coffee out on my deck and read a book. It is the most relaxing thing I do by myself and I live in the most beautiful state – totally bragging!!


As a mom I don’t need much to recharge, besides a little quiet.


Lastly, any quotes, mantras or inspiration for our readers?

“Do your thing and don’t care if they like it.” This is my favorite Tina Fay quote. Her book, Bossy Pants, is hilarious.


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