6 Ways to Foster a Sense of Belonging

A sense of belonging is such a powerful force that the pioneering social psychologist Abraham Maslow included it in his famous Hierarchy of Needs. In order to thrive, people need to feel a sense of belonging in their lives— and that holds t…

Loneliness: The New Workplace Crisis

Most people who leave regular positions in the corporate world to work as telecommuting consultants in the gig economy will say that the biggest adjustment they have to make is getting used to being alone. The shift can be quite jarring, pa…

How AI is Making HR More Human

Artificial intelligence (AI)  technology has been around for decades, but its capabilities—as well as interest and funding in this area—have skyrocketed in recent years. Machine-learning functionalities (such as self-driving cars and f…

There’s No Silver Bullet for Hiring the Best Talent

It might be tempting to think of pre-employment testing as a “silver bullet”— that is, a quick, simple, and seemingly magical solution to  a complicated matter. But such an assumption couldn’t be further from the truth.